Reminders of a Precious Life

It’s been another one of those weeks……one of those weeks where I find myself asking a lot of questions……..questions about work, questions about what kind of Mom am I really………so I’ll confess my questions, but then I’ll share with you my reminders of how at the end of a week like this week…….I start all over with a positive and happy attitude. I now snap photo’s of anything and everything that is precious to me.


1. Would I be a better mother if I went back to work?

2. If I worked full-time would I appreciate the time I had at the end of the day more with my children instead of pulling the hair out of my head come 4pm?

3. Even though it sounds super selfish, would I have more patience with my children if I spent less time with that each day?

4. Would I actually miss my kids if I worked an 8 hour day in an office instead of working a 24 hour a day job of staying home and raising them?

5. If I did go back to work full-time would I be able keep up with the cooking and the house? Others do it, why can’t I?

6. Are my “choices” of “discipline” the very best I can do?

7. Why couldn’t I have gone to college, gotten a great career so my husband could stay home and raise the kids, he’s so much better at it than I am………but then again they’d be pretty spoiled 😉

8. Why could I NOT again find time to work out??!! However I found time to drink wine and eat chocolate.

9. Did I make my daughter not affectionate at the age of 3?

10. Does my husband doubt my ‘Motherly” skills?

Yes I ask these questions to myself on a weekly basis. As a stay at home mom I think some of them are natural, however the other ones are just lack of confidence on my behalf. I need more confidence as a Mom, I need to “feel” that I’m a great Mom, I need to “know” that I’m supermom, but at the end of the day, I’m just left with this:

1. I’ve done the very best I could for that day.

2.My children are safe, loved, happy, fed and rested.

3. My husband and I discuss our days and go over what we can do to make it a better day tomorrow, even when it was a great day!

4. I may not be a great Mom in my eyes, I may not be Supermom to my definition however to my children……..I am.

Instead of focusing on all of the snotty noses I wiped this week, instead of thinking about all of the things I didn’t get to this week, instead of remembering all of the tears my daughter cried because she is testing like a normal toddler and Momma gave a lot of tough love this week……………….I like to remember the precious moments. The precious reminders. The times that make me realize that I am right where I’m supposed to be. Home with my children.

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2013-11-14 11.55.07

2013-11-11 19.46.56

My hand

4 mths

2013-10-10 14.33.05

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