In the day of a SAHM

What is your day like as a SAHM mom? I originally thought of writing about this very subject just to show my husband what it is that I (we) do all day long. Well I started documenting everything I did minute by minute but by 11AM I was like F*k this! Threw it away and went about our day! Instead I’ll just talk about it.

I thought about being a SAHM all my life….how great would it be to play with your kids everyday, teach them about what’s going on around them and to just be there to hug alllllll day long! Then I became one. I don’t think of those things anymore believe it or not. I think about what’s going to be for dinner, when I’m going to get to the laundry, when was the last time my floors were washed, did I pee yet today? Am I teaching my child the very best that I can? What will be the repercussion if I allow her to do this, do that? Worry, worry, worry. Mmmm……

Well last week a friend of a friend posted a comment on FB about being jealous of SAHM’s. That it was a beautiful day and she just wished she could enjoy it. Well I must have been PMSing because what started with a simple comment back fired and got me pretty peeved. I don’t know why, I shouldn’t let anyone’s opinion bother me. I guess I just get really upset (genially of course) when people who have never been a SAHM make comments like that. I would NEVER EVER make a comment about the day in the life of a working mom. NEVER. I am extremely lucky to be where I am, and it may not last forever. However kid you not, it is a job and it is the hardest job I’ve ever had.

This friend of a friend is entitled to feel however which way she wants, I just felt better speaking my peace. The comment started with a fun but a “Hey, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be!” like a “Hey I’m not out enjoying this beautiful day either.” so when she ever said “yeah I get to do all of the things that you are talking about on my only two days off”, no it didn’t stop there, it ended with a “Have you ever food shopped on the weekend? Not fun :). We are all entitled to our opinions and honestly I would have said the same thing almost exactly two years ago. However, Yes I have food shopped on the weekends, I used to work 50 hours a week. I just politely added that “Us SAHM’s, never get a day off, and we all know NO MOM never gets a day off whether you work or not 🙂

I love my job. I truly honestly love my job. Yes I have to say this to myself at least three times a day if not more sometimes. Hey whatever gets me through the day. Like today for example. I avoided at least 5 meltdowns but once nap time came to a kiddo that is already over tired. Momma – 5 Madison – 0 quickly turned to Momma – 5 Madison – 8 Daddy – 2 🙂 Sometimes it really amazes me how quickly a great day can go BLAH in a matter of seconds!

It’s ok, my husband and I are in it together, learning the ropes, surviving by an inch. Each day brings on more stress, more questions but also more love. Isn’t that what matters?

What do you do as a SAHM? How do you fill your days? How do you stay busy? I’m already thinking of what we are going to do on Wednesday and Friday just to get out of the house!

Sometimes we go to the Park:


Sometimes we ride bikes:


Sometimes we make dinner:


Sometimes we have to work 🙁


Sometimes we bake:


Sometimes we watch movies:


Sometimes we learn new things:


Sometimes we play with play dough:


Sometimes we JUST WANT OUT MOMMA!!


Sometimes we are caught sneaking snacks:


BUT WE ALWAYS MAKE TIME TO STOP AND APPRECIATE THE TIMES WE DO SHARE! Because let’s face it, sometimes you just need to get your feet wet to learn, there is always a reason to swim in PJ’s. 🙂


Now go hug your children!! 🙂

8 Replies to “In the day of a SAHM

  1. So well said, and don’t think I could have said it better myself. Love the pictures, and how easy it looks from that perspective. However, anybody who has been a MOM stay at home or working, can appreciate the fact, that as Mom’s our goal is teach our children right from wrong, to always try hard to be thoughtful, and nice, not mean and angry, to do unto others as we would have unto ourselves then we have done our job, our children love us as much as we love them, and our reward at the end of day for a toddlers mom, they are learning daily, and our reward on their wedding day is you pass the torch, hope and pray you did your job well, and sit back and enjoy reaping the benifits. It will happen Tam, hang in there, and don’t change a thing, it is called life, and your living it to its fullest. Just try hard not to wish it away, as I see Madison now, and relive motherhood through your eyes, I did my job very very well.

    1. Thanks for watery eyes mom!! 🙂 Every reminder of how fast it goes by, every reminder of sit back and enjoy, MAKES me sit back and enjoy. MAKES me calm down and refresh. Someday I’ll get to sit in your seat 🙂 Love you!

  2. I so understand. My kids are grown with kids of there own. I am a SAHB (stay at home blogger). I get these kind of questions. “What do you do all day”. I remeber rattle my list off and then there was silence and look of disbelief. Then they asked “Why do you do all that”. That went back and forth for a while until I just gave up. I have come to the conclusion that the grass appears greener on the other side and no amount of conversation will change a person opinion until they have been there… Sigh!

  3. yes, yes, and yes.

    add a part-time job and a husband who travels for work most of the week and it’s craziness in our household. by friday, i can’t believe i am still standing.

    there is a quote by Gretchen Rubin that i repeat to myself several times a day especially when my patience runs low …

    “The days are long, but the years are short.”

    thank you for your post! 🙂 it was refreshing!

    1. Oh I hear you Amy! I think any single mom or a mom that has a husband who travels a lot is a saint, I always say there is a spot in heaven for people like you 🙂 My favorite saying is “This too shall pass” Thanks for reading

  4. In no other “profession” do you work SO HARD for what often feels like absolutely zero appreciation.

    Over the Summer, my SIL (who is a teacher) commented about on FB about how she was SO BORED and couldn’t imagine how SAHM just sit at home all day. Yeah. Because that’s exactly what we do. Heh. I’m glad you spoke up for yourself.

    Love the pictures of your little cutie. It’s good to step back sometimes and remember to see the big picture, rather than just getting your vision blocked by the piles of laundry stacking up (please tell me that isn’t just me!).

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