A Small Meltdown and A Date Night

I could easily write a book on the saying “You know your a mother when……….” My whole life pretty much consists of this saying. Like the other day when I was sitting on the examining table of at my doctors office patiently waiting for the doctor to come in and I started looking at how horrible my nails looked……..then I realized I had poop on my hand……..yup I’m admitting it, I’m admitting that sometimes something comes up before I’ve had a chance to wash my hands after changing my youngest. I won’t deny that there are some days when I have to say over and over again “I love my life, I love my life, I love my life. Days when I’ve changed about 6-8 diapers a day, played the same game over and over 8 times, explained to my 3 year old for the umpteenth time why her younger brother “doesn’t mean” to “hit” her he just doesn’ t know how to control his arms yet, when I’ve barley put dinner on the table, when I’ve tried to reason with a toddler for 10 hours straight. Come the end of that said day I see a huge mound of kitty puke in the dining room as if changing those 8 poopy diapers wasn’t enough for the day, as I get up I wack my head on the corner of the dining room table and yes it hurt, and yes I burst out crying, however not because it hurt, just because I felt defeated at that moment. Like I’ve had enough for the day. Sometimes it just feels good to have a good cry.

I can’t remember the last time my husband and I went out together alone, (since I started writing this post I realized my hubby and I neeeeeeeded to get out, we’ve been out twice since I started writing this, that’s how long it sometimes takes me to write a post!) We  did go to my best friends engagement party about a month ago, we were home at 9. My husband and I used to go to eat at least 3 nights a week, though it’s not the healthiest thing to do, we did it, because we could. After working 10 hours we were tired, who wanted to cook. Oh the Bruins were in the playoffs, lets go watch the game at the bar down the street…….yeah I miss those times. When we could just pick up and go. So if you think about it we had at least three date nights a week. Now we are really lucky to get one a month, and usually if we do it’s my daughter going to my Mother-In-Law’s and us staying home with the baby, putting him to bed and having a nice dinner alone. Alone in peace and quiet. With no arguing about if you don’t eat your dinner you can’t have a snack. Alone with no bribing one another with if you eat 4 more bites you can go watch a movie with Nunny. (Nunny lives in an in-law on our house).

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So that takes me to Date Night Vol. 3. Not last minute, my MIL gladly plans these weekends with me. However a weekend without a toddler is like relaxing to me so I didn’t want to do too much. I planned a nice dinner, no appetizer or dessert, but a nice quiet dinner and a movie by the fire. I asked my husband to pick something from my website that he wanted me to remake but after asking him for almost a week with no answers I decided to pick one for him, one that I knew he’d love, one that I’ve made before for a date night so I knew he love it yet again! I chose a Garlic Steak with a Creamy Horseradish Sauce. I forgot how much I liked that sauce! I save whatever is left and have it on sandwiches or panini’s the next week too! So good!

Date Night vol3

Then  I made a new recipe, if you even want to call it that because it was so simple. I’m calling it  Zucchini Pasta, all I did was shaved 3 zucchini’s with my Pampered Chef julienne tool, (Order from my consultant Stephanie, she’ll take good care of you!) I used seasoning and olive oil and sauteed it up! It was awesome, a great way to change it up, I ‘m going to make this again very soon I thought maybe it would be something different and fun for my daughter to try! Yummy, then I made my Smashed Potatoes. My husband loves them, I even mixed in a little of the horseradish sauce into it. It was a fabulous idea if I do say so myself!

Date Night vol3.2

We didn’t like it at all. Consider yourself lucky because I hate posting pictures of myself, especially with no make up on but this is how my husband and I roll with date nights at home. Comfy cloths, some sort of game on in the background and this Momma’s here is 99% of the time UP!

Date Night vol3.3

It was a quiet night, a reason to share good food, good conversation and really just enjoy each other. It’s funny because every time my MIL has my daughter for the weekend I walk by her room and I miss her. However, the silence is nice. Then by Sunday I’m actually missing the noise.

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After dinner my husband and I rented a movie on Demand. White House Down. I liked it, it didn’t get great reviews however anything with Channing Tatum in it, you can bet that I’m going to watch it! Besides I’m obsessed with Scandal these days so any show or movie about the presidency I’m going to watch too! It was a night with my husband with no interruptions and a morning we got to actually sleep until 7am with no interruptions! I’d have to say that date night was a success. Oh and yes I know I’ve skipped over Vol. 2, that was supposed to be our weekend away in Maine, but I have yet to share those pictures and yummy meals with you!

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